Titlesort icon Journal Title, Volume, Page Full Text Year of Publication
Traditional Concepts and New Housing Design in Palestine Open House International, (The Architecture of Development) Vol. 28, no.3, pp.58- 67, 2003 2003
The Central-Hall House ISG Magazin (Internationales Städteforum Graz) 2001
Sustainable Heritage and the Arab City Journal of Environmental Research and Sustainable Development 2005
Soap Factory (Nablus/ Palestine) Cambridge University Press, (1.IX.2.t), pp.694-695 1997
Refugee Camps in Occupied Palestinian Territories: Need for Integration with the Cities Sommario-Dossier Palestina, vol. XVI, No. 41, pp.9-13 2005
Protection and Conservation of the Old City of Nablus Tutela, Conservazione e Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale della Palestina, Mediterraneum, Massa Editore, vol.5, pp.107-118, 2005 2005
Historical Centers and Palestinian Cultural Identity Sommario- Dossier Palestina, vol. XVI, No. 41, pp.29-32 2005
Continuity and Change in Traditional Domestic Architecture of Palestine, Transformation of Traditional Concepts of House Design in Nablus Ph.D. Thesis 1998
A Responsive Housing Design Assessment in Palestine: A case study of the Architect’s Role in Contributing to Cultural Continuity Open House International, (Urban Design Development), Vol.24, No.4, pp.5-12 1999
A Conservation Strategy for the Soap Factory Buildings of Nablus Master Thesis