Smart on-board transportation management system Geo-Casting featured

Dr. Saed TARAPIAH's picture
Published at: 
2014 World Congress on Computer Applications and Information Systems (WCCAIS)
Recently, many applications have been defined in order to track, monitor and notify vehicles either online or offline, in this work we focus on notifying subset of the vehicles based on their geographical location; such feature is called Geo-Casting, which is the process by which a traffic accident is automatically detected and relayed to the nearest hospital or health center, police station as well as to all vehicles in geographical proximity. In this paper, we study application layer solutions handling Geo-Casting feature as an additive value to vehicles' Smart on-Board Unit (SBU). Moreover, we provide a SBU design that integrates this feature, also we report fully functional end-to-end system implementation including the proposed SBU module and web based application meeting the functional requirements of Geo-Casting.