Optimization of Design Correlations for Linear Electromagnetic Motors

amermassad's picture
Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
International Journal of Energy Engineering (IJEE), Vol. 4 Iss. 1, PP. 21-28
Year of Publication: 
Amer Khaled Massad
Hisham Hijjawi College of Technology, An-Najah National University
Current Affiliation: 
Jordan Engineering Association
Preferred Abstract (Original): 
This paper presents a study of optimization of the geometrical correlations of the linear electrictromagnetic motors (LEMM)
to ensure minimum mass and constant mechanical integral output work. The simplified electromagnetic circuit was built, and
mathematical models of the system were laid out. To show the optimization process for geometrical correlations between main
dimensions of the LEMM and ensuring minimum mass and constant mechanical integral output work, two variable factors are used

in this paper: copper winding to magnetic core ratio  and height winding to internal radius of motorb .Analyzing the above optimizations, it’s seen that LEMM has minimum mass m = 18.76 when a = 0.442 andb = 0.881, which is reduced by 20% compared with the LEMM without optimization.