Distribution and Planning of Public Services in Qalqilia City Using the Applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Ahmed Ghodieh's picture
Nidal Rif'at Ahmed Anaya
distribution_and_planning_of_public_services_in_qalqilya_city_using_the_applications_of_geographic_information_systems_gis.pdf4.14 MB

This study has based on studying the planning of public services in Qalqilya city using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) that include the academic, health, administrative, welfare & cultural services, its distribution, aspects & quality, structural aspects & its suitability to the existing reality. The main aim of this study to show the important way to use the scientific methods in planning to give the opposite methods of planning in the city. Then its took on the other side the essential parameter planning that are used for planning the public services which the scholar consider to know the specific merits of the public services. The study reached the point that there is no regular of its aim and places, according to schools the study came to the point that the schools are overcrowded especially in the law state in addition to irregular locations. In the edition to the lack of many medical implementation for citizens such as heart diseases, kidney diseases & cancer. In edition of not having centers for first aid on the level of the housing areas and not haven health centers in the city with the unsuitability of the hospitals that are in the city. Also we found that the main centers of services are in the middle of the city with the trading centre. The study also had a look at the mosques and there number with the placed & found that they are limited so they are not suitable and not have the ability & they don’t deal with number of people autobiography of housing level. And here the study give a quite good suggestions to develop the situation in deferent ways as scientific way of planning and get used of the public services to get rid of rented buildings schools according the geographical areas with the knowledge of get good use of the first floors of buildings. In addition to give a good practical use of health centers and implementation of general look for other centers with trading in the city and the overcrowded people and to let a good chance for an active practical trading with its normal position. Lastly the study came to the conclusion of giving on the city level in general on public services in the city, especially there must be a direct control from the ministry of education on kinder garden & putting especial budget from the mentioned ministry, Building new schools according to required implementations of the local society. And working on building a general government centers not far from the main use of transportation, with the importance of having a free planted areas and opened playing grounds on the basic of the housing areas in the city at least with law requirements and providing it with the general activities of the human needs such as psychological, spiritual and the special activities of children.