3rd International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications pp.70

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Research Title: 
Teaching ESP in a Blended Learning Setting
Abdel Karim Daragmeh
Mon, 2010-12-27
Teaching_ESP_in_a_Blended_Learning_Setting1.87 MB
Research Abstract: 

The  paper  presents  the  pros  and  cons  of  an  ESP  blended  learning  experience.  The targeted course is offered to intermediate level language learners who never had any previous  experience  with  digital  learning.  The  data  consisted  of  on-line  assignments, learners’  responses,  and  post-experience  learner  evaluations.  The  data  presentation focused on aligning the blended component to course skill-based  goals and outcomes and the IT tools necessary for task completion. The learners’ assessment of the course design and procedure offered several tips to performance improvement. A description of the course, a fully detailed class procedure, and a list of strengths and weaknesses are  provided  for  the  benefit  of  on-line  practitioners  in  second  language  training programs.