التناص مع القصة القرآنية في شعر أبي تمام

abed.esa's picture
Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
جامعة الأزهر / المجلّد (14) / العدد (3) / ديسمبر 2012
Year of Publication: 
د. عبد الخالق عيسى
Current Affiliation: 
Department of Arabic Language and Literature , An-Najah National University
Preferred Abstract (Original): 

 Abstract: This study investigates the use of Quranic stories in the panegyric and love poetry of Abu Tammam. The study has revealed a great interest in the stories of prophets and their nations. The stories that are mentioned  repeatedly include the story of Adam  -peace be upon him-  when he got out of heaven after Satan seduced him, the story of Abraham and his guests, Joseph with the women of Egypt,  Moses with the children of Israel, and the people of Aad , Thamud, Tasam, and Jadis. The Intertexuality used in Abu tammam`s poems shows both the similarites and the differences  between the character in the qura`nic story and  the  one that  the poem is about.  This adds depth to the poem and  intergrates human experience  into them  

_مع_القصة_القرآنية_في_شعر_أبي_تمام.pdf195.32 KB