Hardiness Behaviour and its Relationship with Job Satisfaction Among the Headmasters of Government Schools in the Northern Districts of West Bank

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Sadeq Sameeh Sadeq Al- Qarout
Hardiness Behaviour and its Relationship with Job Satisfaction Among the Headmasters of Government Schools in the Northern Districts of West Bank1.43 MB
This study aimed at identifying the degree of Hardiness behaviour and its relationship with job satisfaction among the headmasters of government schools in the Northern districts of the West Bank from the perspective of headmasters themselves. The study also aimed at identifying the effects of the variables of (gender, education level, experience, salary, school's location, and the level of the school) on the degree of Hardiness behavior among the headmasters of government schools in the Northern districts of the West Bank. The population of the study composed of all headmasters of the government schools in the Northern districts of the West Bank during the year 2005/2006. The number of study's population was (642), while the number of the sample reached (221) with a (35%). The study's samples were chosen randomly by stratified random sampling. To accomplish the aims of study, the researcher developed two forms of questionnaires according to some previous studies on the subject and they are: 1-Hardiness behaviour questioner which consist of 41 items. 2-Job satisfaction questioner which consist of 48 items. In addition, the researcher was assured of the validity of the two questionnaires by including the opinions of expertise. The researcher determined the reliability factor study instrument by the usage of Cronbach Alpha formula and the ovalall stability factor of the hardiness behaviour reached (0.89) and for the job satisfaction reached (0.88). The study reached to the following conclusions: 1-The degree of Hardiness behaviour among the Headmasters of Government schools in the Northern districts of the West Bank was high, that is the total response degree reached (76.2%). 2-The arrangements of the criteria of hardiness behaviour for the Headmasters of Government schools in the Northern districts of the West Bank were as following: 1.Commitment (77.2%) 2.Control (76.4%) 3.Challenge (74.8%) 3-The degree of job satisfaction among the Headmasters of Government schools in the Northern districts of the West Bank was moderate, that is, the total response degree reached (68.8%). 4-There is a positive statistical relationship between the Hardiness behaviour and job satisfaction among the Headmasters of Government schools in the Northern districts of the West Bank person correlation factor was (0.37). 5-There are no significant differences at ( ) with respect to the Hardiness behaviour among the Headmasters of Government schools in the Northern districts of the West Bank due to the (gender, education level, experience, salary, schools' location and the level of the school). Due to the study's objectives the researcher recommends the following: 1-Establish an effective system of bonuses and compensation tangible and intangible the reflective positively on the behaviour of the school headmaster that fulfills his needs and ambitions. 2-The decrease of the duties of the headmaster's responsibilities by giving them to the school secretary or any other teacher. 3-Establish a framework of compensation system that is characterized with social justice and objectivity to achieve a high level for fulfilling the needs and job satisfaction. 4-Conducting more study to know the relation between Hardiness behaviour and job satisfaction.