Brain Dominance Among Soccer Players in Palestine

Abdel Naser Qadoumi's picture
Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
Journal of of Educational and Psychological Sciences , Faculty of Education, Bahrain University,2010
Year of Publication: 
Abdel Naser Qadoumi
Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teachers' Training, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Current Affiliation: 
Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teachers' Training, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Preferred Abstract (Original): 

The purpose of this study was to investigate brain dominance among soccer players in Palestine. In addition, to determine brain dominance according to club division, playing position, the most used playing foot, experience and educational qualification variables. The sample consisted of (214) players, and a (21) questions (Diane, 2005) scale was used for measurement of brain dominance. The results of the study reveled that the integrated brain dominance was the most common type among soccer players in Palestine where the rank order of brain dominance types were respectively: integrated brain dominance (84.6%), left-brain dominance (7.9%) and right brain dominance (7.5%). Also, the results indicated that there were a significant differences in brain dominance of soccer players in Palestine due to division in favor of excellence one, playing position in favor of middle players, and experience in favor of 10 years and more. While there were no significant differences in brain dominance among soccer players in Palestine due to educational qualification and the most used playing foot variables.