Titlesort icon Journal Title, Volume, Page Full Text Year of Publication
About The Perspectives of New Shs-Materials Application in Technology of Electro Spark Alloying Die Steels International journal of self-propagating high temperature synthesis No.5, 1997,V6 1997
Delatometric Change of Ferrous Based Amorphous Alloy journal of ferrous alloys, No.5,1993 1993
Density of Fe-B And Co-B Alloys in Liquid Amorphous and Crystalline State Material Sciences transactions journal No.3, 1998 1998
Density of Fe-B and CO-B Based Alloys in Amorphous and Crystalline States The physics of metals and metallography Journal V.83 NO,5,1997 1997
Modeling Process of Amorphous Ribbons by Melt Spinning Izvestiya VOZOV ferrous alloys 11/2004 2004
Modelling Process of Amorphous Ribbons Based On Equation of Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer Izvestia VUZOV ferrous alloys, 2004, No.11, p p.57-60 2004
SHS Refractory Ceramics Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, 2004, No.9 pp35-60 2004
Surface Tension of Amorphous Metal Based of Fe-B & Co-B phisico-chimical journal 1997, V7 No.11 1997
Volumetric Change of Amorphous Alloy at Crystallization and Transformation to Amorphous State Journal of ferrous alloy,No.5,1993 1993