An Approximate k State Solutions of the Dirac Equation for the Generalized Morse Potential Under Spin and Pseudospin Symmetry

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Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
Year of Publication: 
Sameer M. Ikhdair
Physics Department, Near East University, Nicosia, N. Cyprus, Turkey
Current Affiliation: 
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Preferred Abstract (Original): 

By using an improved approximation scheme to deal with the centrifugal (pseudo-centrifugal) term, we solve the Dirac equation for the generalized Morse potential with arbitrary spin-orbit quantum number {\kappa}. In the presence of spin and pseudospin symmetry, the analytic bound state energy eigenvalues and the associated upper- and lower-spinor components of two Dirac particles are found by using the basic concepts of the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. We study the special cases when {\kappa}=\pm1 (l=l=0, s-wave), the non-relativistic limit and the limit when {\alpha} becomes zero (Kratzer potential model). The present solutions are compared with those obtained by other methods. Keywords: Dirac equation, spin symmetry, pseudospin symmetry, generalized Morse potential,

An Approximate k State Solutions of the Dirac Equation for the Generalized Morse Potential Under Spin and Pseudospin Symmetry606.58 KB