Titlesort icon Journal Title, Volume, Page Full Text Year of Publication
Effect of Morphology and Rainfall Characteristics on Quick Surface Flow in Small Catchments Areas in the Nablus Highlands. Dirasat 2000
Geochemical Classification of Soils in the Northern Part of West Bank An-Najah University Journal for Research, Natural Sciences vol. 17 No.1   2003
Geography of Droub Al-Hajj in Palestine. Encyclopedia of Hajj and Omra , King Abdul-Aziz Center. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2012
Geomorphological Report for Rehabilitation of Jabal Al-Abyad landslide Nablus Municipality and other Institutions. 1997 1997
Geomorphology and analysis of Sinking Problem in Marj Al-Gharaq (Sanour) Study in the applied geomorphology". An–Najah Journal for Research, Vol. 2. No. 6, 1992. An-Najah National University, Nablus 1992
Geomorphology and the Possibilities of Resolving Sinking Problem in Marj Sanour An-Najah University Journal for Research - Humanities - Volume 6, Issue 1, 1992   1992
Geomorphology of Karstic Caves in the Northern Part of the West-Bank Mu'tah Journal for Research and Studies Vol.14, No. 8. Mu'tah University, Jordan 1999 1999
Geomorphology of Nahr El-Kabir Esh-Shamali in Syria Unpublished M.A Thesis, Alexandria University, 1980 (in Arabic) 1980
Harvest Water and Minimizing Water Problem in the Rural Areas of West Bank Third Conference of Water and Environment that will be held on 16-19 November 2008, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2008
Hydrological and Geomorphological Features of Nahr El-Kabir Ash–Shamali in North West Syria Kinzelbach, R.: Ecology and Biogeography of the Orontes (In Press) (in English)
Hydromorphology and Storage Possibility in the Wadis of the North West-Bank In reviewing 2010
Landslides of Winter 1991/1992 in the North Part of the West-Bank Abhath Al–Yarmouk Journal, Vol.9, No.1. Yarmouk University, Jordan 2000 2000
Shorelines and Terraces (Dead Sea), Map No. AIII6 6.4 Tuebinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO) Tuebingen University, West Germany, 1988 (in English and German) 1988
The Crusting in Cambrain and Lower Ordovician Sandstone in South Jordan Dirasat, Vol. 22B, No.6, University of Jordan 1995 1995
The Effect of Geomorphological Development and Human Activities on Desertification in Jordan Ghor Journal of Arab Geographer. No. 15, Arab Geographer Union 2005
The Effect of Morphology and Rainfall Characteristics on Quick Surface Flow in Small Catchment Areas in the Nablus Highlands Dirasat,Vol.27,No.1, University of Jordan 2000 2000
The Geomorphological Indicators of Karstic Caves in the Northern and Central Areas of the West–Bank Mountains Journal of Bethlehem University, Vol,18,1999. Bethlehem , West-Bank/ Palestine 1999
The Impacts of Joints on the Geomorphology of Sandstones in Southern Jordan Geomorphological Studies in South Jordan, Publication of the Jordan University, Amman, 1989, (in Arabic) 1989
The Natural Weathering and Slope Retreat in the Nubian Sandstone in South Jordan Qouted in: Lindner, m.: Petra Neue Ausgrabungen und Entdeckungen, Delp, Munic 1986(in German) 1986
The Possibility of a Dam Construction in Wadi Al-Far'a Study in the applied Geomorphology. An-Najah Journal for Research, Vol. 5., An- Najah National University. Nablus 1990 1990
The Risk of Flood in West Bank – Palestine Disasters Management & Safety Buildings in Arab Countries , Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs & Arab League , Vol. 1, pp131-143, Riyadh , Saudi Arabia 2008
The Role of Mobile Rock Elements in the Irregular of Retreat of Parts of the Limestone Cliffs in the Nablus Mountains (Palestine) Abhath Al-Yarmouk Journal. Yarmouk University, Irbid , Jordan ,2002 2002
The Scientific Research and Obstacles in Palesti King Fahed for Petroleum and Minerals University, Dahran, Saudi Arabia , 2008
Weathering and Slope Erosion in Nubian Sandstone Southern Jordan Erlanger Geographische Arbeiten, Heft 49, Erlangen 1988 (in German) 1988