The Effect of Light Intensity on Blood Pressure, Heart Pulse Rate, Blood Oxygen Saturation and Temperature of Children in Jenin- City Schools

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Hadeel Mahmud Hasan Abo-Ras
The primary aim of this study is to identify the effect of light intensity on arterial blood pressure (systolic and diastolic), heart pulse rate, oxygen saturation in blood and tympanic temperature. The study population consisted of 237 children aged ( 5-6 )years in Jenin city. The arterial blood pressure (systolic and diastolic), heart pulse rate, oxygen saturation in blood and tympanic temperature were measured before exposure to light intensity level and after exposure for four hours. Strong positive correlation (Pearson Correlation Coefficient) was found between light intensity level and all of the arterial blood pressure (systolic and diastolic), heart pulse rate, blood oxygen saturation and tympanic temperature in the Islamic , Fatima Khatoun's and Yousif Al-Athmeh Schools. At light intensity levels less than the normal (55, 39 and 40 lux) the average Pearson Correlation Coefficient is (R = 0.659 for systolic, R = 0.387 for diastolic, R = 0.696 for heart pulse rate, R= 0.604 for oxygen saturation and R = 0.795 for tympanic temperature). At normal light intensity levels (500, 590 and 550 lux) the average Pearson Correlation Coefficient is (R = 0.798 for systolic, R = 0.670 for diastolic, R = 0.647 for heart pulse rate, R = 0.771 for oxygen saturation and R= 0.729 for tympanic temperature). At light intensity levels more than the normal (1320, 1400 and 1500 lux) the average Pearson Correlation Coefficient is (R = 0.593 for systolic, R = 0.561 for diastolic, R = 0.675 for heart pulse rate, R = 0.722 for oxygen saturation and R= 0.744 for tympanic temperature). Finally, the study concludes that there is an effect of the light intensity levels on arterial blood pressure (systolic and diastolic), heart pulse rate, oxygen saturation in blood and tympanic temperature of school's children.
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