The Exposure Effect of the Signals of Cell Phones on the Employees of Nablus and Jenin Municipalities

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Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
Environmental Sciences 08/2014
Year of Publication: 
omar Abu-Subha
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, An-Najah National University, Palestine
Zaid N. Qamhieh
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, An-Najah National University, Palestine
Isssam R. Abdelraziq
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, An-Najah National University, Palestine
Current Affiliation: 
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, An-Najah National University, Palestine
Preferred Abstract (Original): 

This study focuses on the effect of EMR emitted by cell phone towers onsomeof the dependent variables, such astympanic temperature (T), blood oxygen saturation (SPO2%), heart pulse rate (HPR), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolicblood pressure (DBP).
The sample is 136 employees of both genders (56 female, 80 male), with mean age 40 Yrs., and the mean duration of employment 14 Yrs., were randomly chosen as a sample to reach the desired objective. This sample was taken from two municipalities in Nablus and Jenin cities. The values of power flux density were 52.58 µW/m2 and 31.76 µW/m2 in Nablus and Jenin municipalities respectively. The measurements were taken for the selected sample before and after exposure to signals of mobile towers. These measurements were including tympanic temperature, blood oxygen saturation, heart pulse rate and arterial blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) at different power flux density.
The statistical results showed that Pearson correlation coefficient (R) between power flux density and the dependent variables are varying from 0.294 to 0.657, and the probabilities (P) are < 0.05 for all health factors.
This study shows that the health effects of signals of cell phone depend on the power flux density.

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