Analyzing and Evaluating theRalaces Rehabilitation Projects of the Throne Villages in Palestine

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Hamzeh Muharram "Moh'd Said" AL-Najjar
Analyzing and Evaluating theRalaces Rehabilitation Projects of the Throne Villages in Palestine33.06 MB

This study discusses the rehabilitation's approaches of the historical buildings in Palestinian rural areas, In light of different views and opinions relevant to restoration issues and its concepts. This research basically aims to evaluating the rehabilitation projects of palaces in the throne villages as a case study. Through studying and analyzing to what extent these relevant to the international recommendations and investigate its successfulness. It is possible to draw policies of architectural rehabilitation projects in Palestine. This research investigates the development of restoration concepts and architectural conservation. It also discusses the international recommendation on protecting the architectural and cultural heritage. The study elaborate on the Palestinian projects on the rehabilitation of palaces in the throne villages; i.e. studying the steps of rehabilitation which were made and investigating that experience by comparing it with international recommendations. Finally, this research reached to a conclusion that the executed rehabilitation projects in Palestine shows a challenge to work under certain circumstances and constrains, but the leading authorities in the field have a lack in experience to generate comprehensive plan on how to conserve the architectural heritage. So as to develop the rehabilitation projects of the historical buildings in Palestine in the future, it is possible to make use of the advantages and avoid disadvantages which were found from this study. In general projects of conservation in Palestine and experience are still promising and in its first stages. This needs more support and contribution in relevant fields.